With the primary color copper for special highlights as well as the different anthracite shades through the grey-scale pictures, a modern event brochure is created. With a high proportion of pictures and the different room layouts, the brochure offers an optimal overview of the various event rooms and their possibilities.
Specially developed pictograms help the reader to compare different rooms with each other and to find the room that best suits his planned event.
CONSULTING—Matthias Berghoff
DESIGN—Anastasios Koupantsis
Backes Druck
With the primary color copper for special highlights as well as the different anthracite shades through the grey-scale pictures, a modern event brochure is created. With a high proportion of pictures and the different room layouts, the brochure offers an optimal overview of the various event rooms and their possibilities.
Specially developed pictograms help the reader to compare different rooms with each other and to find the room that best suits his planned event.
© 2020 BETTY + BETTY
© 2020 BETTY + BETTY