The war of talents is getting stronger. Companies are fighting for good employees, for their attention, interest and enthusiasm. Above all, it is about the well-trained professionals who are aware of their value and can decide to whom and for what they make their working and living time available. Companies can only attract these professionals if they manage to appeal to both their hearts and minds. It is about motivation and identification.
This is where employer branding comes in. It helps companies to shape their employer brand and provide a clear picture of what it feels like to work for the company. Proper employer branding is multi-faceted and long-lasting. It is about positioning and differentiation with all measures that have relevance for employees. It addresses all stakeholders in the company equally and requires a strong foundation to create a consistent image along the entire employee journey.
We accompany this process on the basis of a clear identity. Together with our clients, we discover important and differentiating identity facets of the employer brand, derive a meaningful employer value proposition and make it tangible on several levels - from communication to the implementation of new tools and processes.
+49 211 566 73 100
The war of talents is getting stronger. Companies are fighting for good employees, for their attention, interest and enthusiasm. Above all, it is about the well-trained professionals who are aware of their value and can decide to whom and for what they make their working and living time available. Companies can only attract these professionals if they manage to appeal to both their hearts and minds. It is about motivation and identification.
This is where employer branding comes in. It helps companies to shape their employer brand and provide a clear picture of what it feels like to work for the company. Proper employer branding is multi-faceted and long-lasting. It is about positioning and differentiation with all measures that have relevance for employees. It addresses all stakeholders in the company equally and requires a strong foundation to create a consistent image along the entire employee journey.
We accompany this process on the basis of a clear identity. Together with our clients, we discover important and differentiating identity facets of the employer brand, derive a meaningful employer value proposition and make it tangible on several levels - from communication to the implementation of new tools and processes.
+49 211 566 73 100
© 2020 BETTY + BETTY
© 2020 BETTY + BETTY